Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hello, I'm back. I've been on Week 3 for about 8 weeks now - workload overload! In order to move on - to Week 4 - I need to talk about anything technology related. Let's touch briefly on the miracles of subscribing to anything online. In the mean old direct marketing days, organisations bought and sold mailing lists and then had a hard time continuing to communicate with its customers. Now, an online enquiry or subscription means a lifetime (that is, lifetime of an active email address)of push technology; online updates, offers and surveys. I had subscribed to Smilebox back in Week 3 (remember that was 8 weeks ago) and I have received an average of two online communications per week. The costs involved are probably minimal compared to the snail mail that used to be sent. And strangely enough, online subscriptions seem a lot safer than receiving unwarranted mail at your home address. We don't seem to mind that an organisation knows where we live in cyperspace!

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